we come again
my door opened
disco floor awaits
those things you do
own way through

onto the world wide web

After a lot of thinking to myself, PhiloSophie is finally on the web. You can listen to the songs we make and the artwork I create for us. I know we are not a fantastic band or fantastic musicians, but anyone involved in the making of the songs has a strong love for music. That was how it all came about and that is how it continues. We love it.

The website is new, so excuse any messy parts (which is generally all of it). In this section, I will post whatever I need to notify you about. Maybe a new song, or band member? I don't know, whatever. If you want to contact me for any reason, I can be found at my personal website (also our host) dementedsquirrel.com.

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dementedsquirrel - your link here?